War of Misunderstood Confusion

by Eibutsina   Sep 28, 2006

An introduction to the principle
In depth understanding of our faith
A distinction between the teachings
And cultural aspects of our society
Whilst the media portrays it as terrorism
Can you catch the lies in their attitude?
Towards our chosen way of life
Our opinions dismissed as corrupt
We are shocked by these ill mannered tactics
Advertising a promoted intolerance
Yet still our majority is charitable
Do you not see how patronizing it is?
How it simply may irate the few zealots
All the more until it creates a risk
A mess of dangerous politics
So we hold tight to the rope of God
Never letting an inch falter
Remembering the mercy He has bestowed upon us
And pray His blessing on our enemy
Those who choose to believe what they hear
Not seek the education and knowledge for themselves
For the faith we hold so dear promotes
That He will unite our hearts with love
And that only by His grace
Will our once enemies becomes our brothers.

I, for one

Will not face away from people in scorn
Nor walk about the earth exultantly
For this is my straight path
My every solace, my breath
My very reason to keep going to live
And I refuse to follow any lead
Which shall draw me from my path
A path which teaches
Goodness and evil can never be equal
But I shall repay evil with the better of my heart
I shall accept that once enemy as an intimate friend
And shall this war of misunderstood confusion come to an end.


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  • 17 years ago

    by ghosts in bloom

    This is absolutely beautiful, and holds so much stinging truth in it's words. A ton of meaning, in a artistic rhythm. I loved it! You made several smart, and real points in here. Well worth reading.

    Take Care,

  • 18 years ago

    by Cindy

    How true these words are. Great job on this write.

    For the faith we hold so dear promotes
    That He will unite our hearts with love
    And that only by His grace
    Will our once enemies becomes our brothers.

    We must always believe this.
    Take care Cindy

  • 18 years ago

    by Flea

    Beautifully worded!
    it's so powerful..it's great
    good work keep it up :D

  • 18 years ago

    by PS

    Wow! i reallly enjoyed this. i can see someone performing it as spoken poetry. its well written and organized. the statement of those words and later that line, I, for one. incredible. great job!

  • 18 years ago

    by BlueDreams

    Oh my...lisa dear...another beautiful penned you try to potray here, simply beautiufl yet great meaning...i hope you have a great day! take care... bert ~