Observed From A Window

by Macabre   Sep 29, 2006

Outside a swirling tempest
Fills the morning sky;
Inside this tiny building
I'm safe and warm and dry.

Out on the horizon
Blue sky coming through.
Soon the clouds will break apart
The sun will come out too.

Bit I see much more beauty
In the thunder and the rain.
The sun for me is far too bright
And blue sky far to plain.

But the winds scatter the clouds away
The tempest soon is gone
Oh how I wish to be outside
And dance among the storm.


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  • 18 years ago

    by PorcelainMoon

    My God, very, very Good poem indeed there Stacey...


  • 18 years ago

    by Spike

    This is a KICK ASS poem! Thunderstorms are beautiful, and not enough people realize that!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by *Charisma*

    I absolutely loved this. I LOVE thunderstorms! I have one called Thunderstorm Tears...maybe you'd enjoy it! GREAT JOB! 5/5 Jpoet*