In heaven, waiting for you...

by MadelineJayde   Sep 29, 2006

Mummy i always thought i'd live to grow old
but now i'm lying here, so very cold

all daddy did was scream and shout
he did this day in and day out

daddy was in a lot of strife
but i never thought he would end my life

mummy tell sister that it's not her fault
that my life came to a crashing hault

all we were doing was arguing over the remote
then daddy came in and grabbed my throat

she tried to get him to let me go
but then he gave me one last blow

mummy that's when it happened, i was so scared
my life was over, i was so unprepared

tell my boyfriend, john, that i love him very much
and that our relationship wasn't just a crush

mummy please tell grandma that pa is not alone,
he now has me, an angel of his own

mummy tell my wonderful friends that they were the best
and that they were so special, nothing like the rest

i left you all without a goodbye
but please dont weep or cry
for i can see you all, way up high

so now i'm in heaven, where the skies are blue
and i will be here, waiting for you


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  • 17 years ago

    by TwistedAngel xx

    Nice poem
    great flow
    beautiful story
    fab ending

  • 18 years ago

    by dora

    Hey darl this was sad really touching. i was jsut readin ur comments on my poems about cory n it bought tears to my eyes. thanks for the comments xx

  • 18 years ago

    by Kaitlyn

    This was really reallly sweet yet sad. beautiful infact. everything you write ALWAYS touches me. Im glad I found you on this site, because you are an amazing poet. keep it up love.
    katt xox

  • 18 years ago

    by Asingletear

    OMG that is beautiful. actuallly have me in tears. Brilliant. Keep writing. 5/5