A Sudden Loneliness

by lawrence   Mar 14, 2004

A sudden loneliness
Overwhelmed me today
What caused that empty feeling
I cannot really say
A distant memory of someone
It seems, I trace
As tears of sorrow
Slowly flow down my face
But what pained my heart most
A regret in my mind
This one true lesson
I do find
Hold on to your true love
Never let go
Give in just a little
For her, that true love...
Your soul

*why do i always learn the lesson too late...


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  • 20 years ago

    by PnQ Mod Account

    Yes, I must say, you have an incredible gift to be able to put so much feeling in so few words. I do have a couple short ones (I know I've submitted My Heart Bleeds For You...might be my onlyshort one on here), but mine tend to be pretty much novel-ish :) Take care...and keep on writing!

  • 20 years ago

    by sherri arthur

    that was really good, I like it a lot

  • 20 years ago

    by udontknowme

    that was amazing poem, keep writing..
    and plus check out my poems too, alright, i put some cool ones online too,

  • 20 years ago

    by JodieWatts

    i just need to say this is the most amazin poem i've ever read i must say it brung tears to my eyes i have felt this lonely i used to feel it frequently so i know how u feel i think u showed ur compasstion and determination to succeed in this poem it is very very heart captureing ! you linked the whole poem well and made it flow PERFECTLY i wanna say ABSOLOUTLY NY NO CERCUMSTANCES EVER STOP WRITTIN !!!

    OTHER WISE THERE WILL BE TALENT WASTED AND IF 1 THING U HAVE IT'S TALENT KEEP WRITTIN HUN check out a few of ma poems and comment plz love jodes xxx if u ever wanna tlk just shout me !

  • 20 years ago

    by Natalie

    Woah @ that long comment Craig lol. Hey I'm not gonna' leave a huge comment, but that poem was great, I feel as if I could relate to it so much, well done :)

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