Hearts Bound In Autumn. {Villonnet.}


-Hearts Bound In Autumn.-

With Autumn lightly coloring the trees,
Leaves fall down to the dew kissed ground,
Falling slow with meaning, landing with grace,
Wisping around, dancing within the breeze.

Tickling the elegant earth, so softly they tease,
Imprinting life into the frosty fields,
A picture-perfect scene of Natures art,
With Autumn lightly coloring the trees.

To sparkling sky blue eyes - - they tease,
Embroidered along the dirt-bounded path,
Tainted with two star-crossed lovers,
Wisping around, dancing within the breeze.

With Autumn lightly coloring the trees,
Two hearts are crossed beneath the harvest moon,
Wisping around, dancing within the breeze.

© Jenna Elphick
October 2, 2006.

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A Villonnet is a hybrid of the Villanelle and the Sonnet. It has the Iambic Pentameter of both, but holds the four-stanza/line structure of the Sonnet, while utilizing the two-line rhyme nature of the Villanelle. The final stanza replaces the Sonnet couplet with a typical Villanelle tercet.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Mommy And Me

    Jenna.. you are a fantastic writer... and any one to tell you other wise is wrong.. you can deff make it girl

  • 17 years ago

    by sibyllene

    Way to go with that crazy style! it looks difficult...

    thanks so much for your comment, you're a doll

  • 17 years ago

    by Jessica

    Awwhh, wow! Sweetie that was beautiful! I loved it, wow.. No, I adored it! =P It was so powerful and the imagery was amazing.. Wonderful job, truly great poem! 5/5