Your green eyes peer into my soul and tear me apart.
Your dark hair cascading down your back.
Your lips.
Your steady heartbeat. Your vibrance. Your life.
Sometimes, I selfishly think that if only . . .
If you would only kiss me, my world would be alright.
If you would touch my shoulders, send shivers down my spine.
If your heart could only be mine.
If the warmth of your lithe body pressed against mine,
could melt the ice on the inside.
Your intoxicating and slightly heady perfume could become an addiction.
I desire your love and affection.
Because I would be overcome with joy.
Your very presence threatens my remaining self-control.
If I could, I would pull you to me and kiss you passionately.
Yes, over and over.
But, if I do, I will never be able to let you go.
I would never want you to leave me alone.
Unrequited love can kill.
I wish that I could whisper that in your ear, and have you understand.
It's true what they say:
The one you love and the one who loves you will never be the same person.
You'll always be loved, though it has occurred to me that you'll never know the extent of my love.
My darling angel,
My friend, my companion, though loved never my lover . . .
My sweetest, my truest, the one I admire and envy
My "Baby Dragon Gurl"