Hidden Within

by aDORKable x3   Oct 2, 2006

Hidden within me
Are words longed to be said
Are things sometimes forgotten
Spinning 'round in my head

Hidden within me
Are memories and times
And little tiny things
And many poems and rhymes

Hidden within me
Are feelings I hide
Because I choose not to show them
But don't ask me why

Hidden within me
Are millions of things
That will never be shown
For the fear of what they'll bring

Hidden within me
Is a healed up heart
It was broken at one time
But now I'm too smart

Hidden within me
Are things no one knows
Are things that I hide
And will never show

Hidden within me
Are times of troubled passed
But hopes for tomorrows
That will always last

Hidden within me
Is nothing you don't know
So I share this with you
So we can learn and grow


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  • 18 years ago

    by Letty

    I read this poem in the contest forum and I just had to come and comment and vote on it. You have written a wonderful poem that is very touching. The words in your poem speak for themselves and that is why I'm commenting now. lol. I look forward to reading more of your work very soon. I'm just kind of tired right now. So you keep up the Great work and I'll be checking back to read more very soon.


  • 18 years ago

    by Bridgette

    Great job on this poem. It was very well written and I could relate to it in so many ways. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by ashley bursch

    I like this

  • 18 years ago

    by donna

    Another excellent poem Hun, the rhythmn and flow was excellent.. well done 5/5 xx