The Dark

by Lu   Oct 2, 2006

....................The Dark .........................
Love Is Not Always What It Appears To Be

The crow claws holes at virgin eyes
marking their spot of deceitful lies
young girl in love, to blinded to see
love is not aways what it appears to be

plucking rose petals, drowning in tears
"he loves me not" is what she fears
teenage crush, yet a heart feels pain
abandoned with ease, her virginity slain

darkness comes, hiding from the past
adolescent life, falling apart so fast
digging a grave, slipping into the hole
tears overcome her body and soul

deception scars so deep, pain is real
heart clouded over, unable to heal
salt water tears of drowning emotion
one fatal taste, of his mendacious devotion

depression a place the sun does not shine
left in the darkness, where sadness will dine
love is not always what it appears to be
first loves don't always come, with a guarantee
.........................for life............................


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  • 18 years ago

    by Cindy

    Luanne this poem is amazing! Your word choices and flow is great. The feelings of the broken heart of first love Wow!

    darkness comes, hiding from the past
    adolescent life, falling apart so fast
    digging a grave, slipping into the hole
    tears overcome her body and soul

    This pom really gets you right in the heart.
    Take Care Cindy

  • 18 years ago

    by Reborn Rival

    Truth at it best! great choice of words. I loved every line!

  • 18 years ago

    by Letty

    Another beautiful write. Your amazing Luanne. I don't think that I can think of any other way to comment you . 5/5


  • 18 years ago

    by jennifer

    Wow. really really really really really goooood poem!! I LOVE IT!. its gives such a great example y we should wait before we give oruselves to another man. great poem 5/5 xoxoxo -jennifer

  • 18 years ago

    by jennifer

    Wow. really really really really really goooood poem!! I LOVE IT!. its gives such a great example y we should wait before we give oruselves to another man. great poem 5/5 xoxoxo -jennifer