Comments : Embrace of Life

  • 18 years ago

    by Letty

    Again I congradulate you on another excellent write. This poems speaks the words that are in the heart of a lot of people including myself. The first stanza is what really caught my attention, because I truly have been feeling this way a lot lately:

    To hold, to love and to care,
    With the air that we breathe and times we can not bare.
    Life; it is like a book being written as we live it,
    Thousands of pages that will that will never be read,
    Then life is over, we are all dead.

    I love that stanza. It speaks the words That I feel and think each day. You might want to do some editing though. Like in the first stanza you said that will twice. But I can't hold that against you because I make those same mistakes sometimes. So keep up the great work. I'm looking forward to reading more of your poems. 5/5


  • 18 years ago

    by Sammib

    Very nice mark! I really needed that pick me up... you just remind your reader so well of what it is that they have and that its not to be taken for granted! Very well done!!


  • 18 years ago

    by BlueDreams

    Oh my...this was marvellous penned, simply beautiful penned, but this words should be change, just a suggestions;
    "Thousands of pages that will that will never be read,"

    should be; "thousands of pages will never be read,"

    anyway, great poem though, nad thanks for sharing your poem, have a great day, take care.. bert ~

  • 18 years ago

    by June

    I enjoyed reading your poem.A very sweet way of looking at life.

  • 18 years ago

    by GoodMorning

    "To hold, to love and to care,
    With the air that we breathe and times we can not bare.
    Life; it is like a book being written as we live it,
    Thousands of pages that will never be read,"

    ^those^ are my favorite lines. they seem to have real meaning, and to have come from your heart. it doesn't seem as though you just through a bunch of random words together because you thought it would sound good, or because it rhymed with the last line, ya know?

    good job on this poem. i enjoyed it. =)

    i hope all is well.

    i miss you dearly.


  • 18 years ago

    by GoodMorning

    Ahem. i made a dupid mistake.

    i used the wrong 'through'. it should be 'threw'. ;P

  • 18 years ago

    by Simple Sensation

    This is great!! Its so meaningful. Great flow, and love the words you used. First stanza me fave. Its really good. Keep it up! xx

  • 18 years ago

    by Bret Higgins

    The first stanza makes me want to pull out my hair. You have chosen form, but break it right at the start and that really doesn't make sense.

    Life; it is like a book being written as we live it,

    You could take this line, tag it at the bottom as a closing statement and it would feel more comfortable. I would definitely re-write it first, though. As it is it's too much like an ordinary sentence that has been badly written.

    That aside, the message is clear, and is delivered in a way that stays clear of hackneyed phrases and trite philosophies.

    But ending it on purpose should only be a dream.

    I would re-word this to

    But ending it on purpose shouldn't even be a dream.

    Just to give it more punch.

    Good effort mate. I like it.


  • 18 years ago

    by Sweet lig

    But though some mistakess. this is really true and have a great flow. 4/7
    god bless

  • 18 years ago

    by TeAr dROp

    Wow your poem was so good keep it up!!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by LithiumSacrifice

    5/5 very inspiring..... excellent job..