Faith in you

by Libby M   Mar 14, 2004

My faith in you has been irresolute
Sometimes I knew, the rest I became blind to
I thought and walked in the most staggering way
Unbalanced soul lead me to corrupted paths
That eventually separated me completely from you

Though through it all, you kept holding on to me
You pulled me in time after time and asked me to believe
I looked deep down inside my soul and often times I found an empty perforation
Nothing was yet able to fill that gap, but as I heard the prayers you often implored.
I became enlightened and had to finally let go.

In our relationship, I never was able to completely believe
My emotions were wavering from left to right
It was when the day you stood and asked me to expand my faith in you
To believe just a little bit more in what you had already put forth
To become humble and accepting
That was when I allowed my soul to intertwined with yours

I have searched in many great places to be taught a lesson
To learn how to recognize the good
To learn to be patient when God is taking His time
Taking important time to rearrange my circumstances
So I can have you in my life as my friend, as my lover
As my husband and as the man who will be the father of my children.

To have faith in you my darling, it did not come easy
Because to have faith in something you cannot see
In something that has not been insured
It is one of the hardest ways to continue on living
But you taught me a great lesson as you knelt with me and helped me to pray to our Lord
Indeed I am forever grateful for God, for God has sent you as an angel in my life

To have faith in God and in you, I am ready to do.
I am no body when I am not with God and with you
I am not wanted anywhere, if I didn’t acknowledge what God and you meant to me
You’ve taught me truth, you have taught me true love, you have taught me the meaning
Of faith
Of hope
Of love
And finally
Of who you are as an individual...
So I thank you my angel for now and for eternity...


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