Desire to love you

by Rinji   Oct 4, 2006

I desire to love you
Would you love me back
Or is "no" a fact
The day a saw you
I melted away
And all could say
Was I love this day
I never spoke a word
To you that is
Because that fizz
My friend does like you
More everyday
Even though you may say
You never would date him
Or ask him out
You denied him twice
For crying out
So I don't know
If i would ask you out
I won't make the move
You must shout
I hope i see you
all over again
In a way that i may say
I love this very day


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  • 17 years ago

    by Befriended By The Blade

    This one is a cute one..keep up the good work hun...

  • 17 years ago

    by carissalynn

    Wow, that had a lot of emotion, i liked this one too [[=
    Carissa E>