All hearts are like doors.

by DeathsLove   Oct 4, 2006

All hearts are like doors...
Some are bigger then others.
Some are made of better material.
Some are left open.
Some are left close.

All hearts are like doors...
Like a door, we choose who to let in when we have locked ourselves away.
We choose who to let out.
Just like a door we can hide inside away from the world.

All hearts are like doors...
We choose whether or not to let someone in.
We choose whether or not to let them out.
No matter what we say, someone will always force themselves in & break down the door locking you in with them.
You choose whether you will face your fear,
try to throw them out,
or hide in the corner with your eyes tightly shut wishing it was over.

All hearts are like doors...
You can break down the very same door to leave your heart behind.
Only to know you won't be able to live without that closeness.
No amount of protection can stop the entrance of your heart.
For it is meant to happen and can not be changed though others wish for that.

All hearts are like doors...
Each heart has someone they secretly locked away that they wish was never there.
Each heart is happy to have that special someone,
knowing it is a strength,
knowing it is also a weakness.

All hearts are like doors...
But mine is securly locked with the man in black.
He makes me better.
And yet sick at the same time...

My heart has betrayed me,
My heart is in love...
And now I am trapped.
Like a locked door.


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