You have gone in your way ,
i don't know where you are,
but I'm sure you are happy,
where ever you are on this planet...
i know i have lost u to someone,
Hope that the someone is the one u want,
to keep u smiling and to keep u happy,
for today,tomorrow and forever in your life....
I know by letting u go I'm inviting pain,
but it doesn't make any difference difference,
Ur thought has always brought me more pain,
than happiness into my life and into my heart...
I don't say that i lost out on love,
for people like me,loving someone,
is itself a victory that every heart,
would cherish throughout the life....
I failed in getting Ur heart but,
u succeeded in getting mine...
Hope u don't make my heart to wait,
outside Ur doorstep for it needs only
a small place to be with u forever...
Everything that begins must end,
But in my love,the end is the new beginning...
a beginning of how to keep u in my thought,
and remember u throughout my life....