
by Eponine   Oct 5, 2006


an emotion that may destroy a soul,

Yet some people chose to live it.

I however did not chose a lifestyle of that extreme.


i was cruelly deceived, by no more than someone, I had TRUSTED and LOVED.

all i feel for them now, is MALIGNITY and REVULSION!

but I am constantly drowning, in a world of perplexity, on how this identity feels.

Knowing i should pull away at an instant, I dwell on the love shared for that moment in time.

Yet the flow of tears and sorrow is endless, even with prosperity!

the moments of love settled, humaneness faded into the dark.

once they were someone, someone who bloomed,

with plenty of good intentions, yet the sinister side, revealed all that was left..

ATTENTION drained away any sense of self.

i could feel it.

Now, impatient, red- blooded, pulverized and destructive.

no opinion, yet no self doubt, just a plagiarized life.

The make-ups run dry, all so insipid.

dark broken colours, vulgar image.

The actions taken by my past, are no longer innocent,

they are alluring, and masculine.

the whole outfit, cannot possibly be idolized,

but sympathized.

attractive? far from it..

maybe i lust her confidence, or i still love what used to be mine,

and want to seek vengeance upon my LONELINESS

am ireally that elementary to break?

am i any better than her cold-hearted self?

no.. and i know consummately that i have failed,

i was fruitless within myself..i should have been wiser,

more clear cut.. how can i give advice,

when my own world is almost intimately DEAD...


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