An athlete

by Brittany C   Oct 5, 2006

Give it your best shot,
Put all your strength,
Into making that one goal,
You run hard,
Only to miss,
Over and over again,
But you are getting closer
With every shot,
The teams behind you one hundred percent,
You push your self so hard,
That you don't have an once of strength left in you,
When the game is done,
You may be sore,
But you go out,
And do the same,
The very next day,
No matter how much pain,
You are in,
You give every thing in every game.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Vanessa

    Nicely penned poem, encouraging to read You did anexcellent job as always

  • 17 years ago

    by Debbie

    "The teams [are] behind you one hundred percent,"

    "That you don't have an o[u]nce of strength left in you,"

    I myself am an athlete, and I'm rather delighted to read this piece of yours. It refreshed me, once again, of my remembrances in the past--the victories and the failures that had occurred is quite nostalgic now. Extra props for having this piece almost correlative to life.

  • Great poem, so inspirational and un forced, great work 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Shad0w0faPh30n1x

    I like this poem, dont know why, but its good. a 5/5!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    This is another favourite, because again, it is something really original in concept.
    I particularly enjoyed the wording in this, although the structure threw me off a little.