A note

by Jackielynn   Oct 6, 2006

I love you all but this is something that i must do, do not blame yourself for my actions they have nothing to do with you. i have so many bad memories i have so many fears, i cant go on and live like this any longer my body is losing to much blood, i cant hold on forever. yes tonight i chose to let myself bleed and bleed i shall but before i go into my eternal sleep i must tell you:
all the smiles i put on my face everyday where just a lie to cover up everything that i was feeling inside. my arm had become almost dry a few times and i didn't say a word because death is what i craved and death is what i wanted. i couldn't take the pain and everyone telling me i am worthless. your guy;s 1 wish was to see me dead wasn't it? so why are you so sad your wish came true. but i still love you even though you called me all those names. i want you to know family and friends that i am sorry if my death makes you feel low and lifeless. it wasn't because of you i just had a dream and you guy's always told me to follow my dreams and death was one of them. now I'm just gonna drift off into my sleep, never wake up i love you and I'll be in your heart and I'll see you later

*not a real suicide note*


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