As I lye/sleep/dream/wake

by myshiningstar14   Oct 6, 2006

I live,
I cry,
I laugh.

As I lye.
I hear your voice.
I hear the comfort,
the warmth, that
you hold.
I hear the respect,
the sincerity, as it

I love,
I kiss,
I hugg.

As I sleep,
I feel your feelings.
I feel your longing.
your pain, as you're
missing me.
I feel your smiles,
your prayers that
cleanse me.

I sing,
I walk,
i talk.

As I dream,
I see your face.
I see your passion,
the happiness in
your eyes.
I see the truth,
the love when you
look at me.

I smile,
I cuddle,
I dream.

As I wake,
I know your heart.
I know your fears,
your dreams that
will now come true.
I know your soul,
your anti-drugs that
make you whole.

I live because I know we're meant to be.
I cry because it paints the true happiness I feel when I'm with you.
I laugh because baby boy, you make my world so much brighter.

I love because you spent a little more time on me, gave all you had for me.
I kiss you because you make me feel special.
I hugg you because it brings
comfort, and distances the hardships of our pasts.

I sing because, when i sing to Him and thank Him for all he's done, I feel invincible.
I walk to the warmth of your arms, because I know there's no place I\'d rather be.
I talk because I can't keep my love He's given me for you inside.

I smile because whe when I see your face, when I hear your voice, it touches me in ways you'll never know.
I cuddle because the closeness, makes me realize just how lucky I am to have you.
I dream because I don't have to dream anymore, because I know you'll help to come true.


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