I Know He's The One

by myshiningstar14   Oct 6, 2006

Been together a short
my feelings unexplainable.

They say you know,
when you know.

I know he's the one,
the one for me.

**Dimples caress the soft
smile, that can't help but linger.

Almond pierced eyes, that capture me.

Velvet lips, so soft, it leaves the sweetest memories.

Empathetic nature, his heart bigger than his smile.

Venomous kisses, that leave me wanting more. I know he's the one.

Amazing love, comes he, grinding me into his heart, there we lay.

Zeal, his beauty never-ending, always something new.

Quietly his eyes, his heart say it all.

Unified the feelings come, strumming, drumming us together.

Enriched with knowledge and humor, I know he's the one.

Sensitive, he mingles playing a beat that we can both dance to.**

I know he's the one,
the one for me.

Be together for always,
we pray.
Our hearts holding,
and our dreams made

So this is what its like
to truly feel for someone?
So this is why I love you
so much hunn...

because I know you're the
one, the one for me.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Silent Screams

    Thats a VERY neat way of writting a poem

  • 17 years ago

    by Milton

    I liked it you use strong words for your poems. It gets felt niclely. good stuff :)