Its a note

by Jackielynn   Oct 7, 2006

Its All coming on to strong for myself, everything is starting to pile up and i can't take it. my world is spinning and i don't know what to do anymore I'm so sad and alone inside. i have cried many crimson tears, but i don't wanna live anymore it hurts to live in this crappy world. have you looked around to many people have no money cause of rich people are snatching it all. this is not the type of world i want to live in so i give up.
I've had a good life but some things people don't know about cause i keep them bottled up inside and the bottle is full. i wanna take myself outta this world and set myself free. i can't live no more it's not meant to be. People just let me go you won't miss me you never Did before. that's because you know that i would come back and everything would be OK. but i wanna die it's just a dream that i have and i was always told that i have to follow my dreams so I'm sorry I'm biding my farewell and i love you all and you will be in my heart and mind forever


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