Forever And Always?

by ForeverYoung   Oct 8, 2006

I lay in bed, counting my tears,
Each representing what I'd hoped would be years.
Years of happiness, for us to be together,
A long-lived life, forever and ever.

But in my heart, I know this will never be,
For there' no longer a place in your heart for me.
I gave you my all, I gave you my heart,
Little did I know that you'd tear it apart.

Everyday I place a smile on my face,
As for tears, there is not a trace.
You ripped me apart, but yet it's true,
Forever and always, I'll still love you!

*r/r/c ill return all favors asap*


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  • 18 years ago

    by Just Lisa

    Aww... cute poem! I liked it! Thanks for it! It's a 5/5!!!
    *just Lisa*

  • 18 years ago

    by Mo

    This is one of the best poems i have read on here it is AMAZING! its so short and to the point but from the very first stanza i was already saying awww haha and also you don't specify who your talking about so its easy to relate to with any person in your life! great job i gave you a 5!

  • 18 years ago

    by tortured soul

    You have a gift one I am grateful you share!!

  • Wow, heartfelt and full of emotion,,, i love this one and all of the other ones ive read, it was a pleasure reading them..

  • 18 years ago

    by Stephanie

    Wow, you really put a lot of feelings in this poem, didn't you? Hehe. Loved it, it had a good flow and it was very strong when it came to your emotions. It was perfect, you're an amazing writer. 5/5
