Comments : Joanita.

  • 17 years ago

    by Jessica

    Awh.. That was really sad sweetie.. First of all, the flow was a bit rockety at times.. Like I wasn't sure if you had switched the tenses or not because that's what it sounded like.. But after going back, it didn't look like that was it.. I'm not sure.. The descriptions are good, they really draw the reader in..I didn't really understand why you added in the bit about them being pen pals.. I felt that it didn't really have anything to do with the poem, but maybe I misunderstood it..

    A cold cot lay in the middle of the floor under the open ceiling
    Little eyes opened in the night, staring upon the moon
    And a little ones prayer, a Mother was stealing
    Whispering the tragedy to the Lord, morning would come soon.

    ^ I don't understand what this stanza means.. Maybe it is just me, but I found it confusing..

    Nicely done though Jenna, the emotion was clear and the idea meaningful! 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Mommy And Me

    Sweety, that was so touching.. im crying right now... well you no me.. i cant cry in front of others.. sept that one time.. ohkay no im deffinatly tear filled eyes.. wow Jenna only you can do this to me with in a poem.. i love all your work so much i dont even no what to say... good work doll face


  • 17 years ago

    by Whitey

    Fantastic work, very emotional, i really like this one, your rhyme okay, there were some parts that were just a little bit out of place, great use of vocabulary, i'm speechless as i type this comment, this is just plain brilliant. Cheers, keep it up buddy.
