Comments : I Wish

  • 18 years ago

    by She Is Now Gone Away

    That was a good poem but you know what you dont have to wish cause from wat i know know one is perfect in life and thats good. from wat i know about you from brandon you are a perfect girl, or the girl who is close to perfect...


  • 18 years ago

    by Unknown

    your wrong...ur wrong in this poem....and ill tell u why

    you r perfect.... and you shouldnt wish that you werent u...i dont knoe what differ means but i think its a bad thing so ur and someone does care about you and its me i care about u soo much

    and there is romance we have that share of love between us

    and everyone wishes they were invisable cuz that would be pretty kewl

    and... you can do stuff more then i could ever do and you r wanted but not anymore cuz now u have sumone that already was not want but was...

    and you do feel loved well i

    and this is reality...cuz look at and we r ment too there u go baby