Whatever happened?
To the life we had
Are kids names, our home?
I am lost now
All I ever do is think
About what could have been
The life I thought you wanted
But now all that is a dream
A thought and a memory now
You have another princess
I miss your touch
The feel of your skin
The fun things we did together
The way our lips touched when we kissed
My heart was devoted to you
I remember the last breath
You took in front of me
What you said
"I will always love you"
I guess always dont mean forever
When I go to the campground
I remember us
The things we did
The fights we had
The campground used to mean
Everything to me
Now it is like a cemetery,
A place of depression
You never realize what you have,
Until it is gone
All I can do is wish
You & your NEW princess