Daddy why did you leave ?

by Kali   Oct 9, 2006

Daddy why'd you have to go,
I know people needed your help,
but what about me,
did you forget what you left me with ?

You don't how bad it is living with pap,
he never lets me go out and see my friends,
he's always yelling at me because of stupid stuff and i can't take it,
and mom she lives in jersey shore so i never see her.

You're always yelling at me,
just cause I won't move out there with you,
yeah daddy i love you,
but I love my friends and family here too.

There was no major reason you had to leave,
you had the choice to stay or go,
so why did you leave me here,
you told me after you and mom split up the first time that you were never gonna leave again.

Well I guess you lied to me,
now I've gotten just like mom,
I've tried smoking and i hang out with the wrong crowd,
see what you leaving has done to me ?

Life since we last saw each other has just gotten worse,
i hate school and I'm really close to failing,
i can't stand living with pap cause i never get to see mom,
she hates me talking to you because i tell you everything thats going on.

Seeing you for a month every summer and talking to you about 1 every week just doesn't cut it dad,
i nee a father figure in my life,
yeah your here but your not here with me,
your down there with them and i can't stand not being able to see you every day,
i just wish you would come back so we could be a happy family again.

But i know that'll never happen,
but dad theres just open thing i wanna know,
why did you really leave ... ?

I wrote this poem because my dad left to go down to New Orleans last year after Christmas and now that he's not here life is really bad.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Madddiii

    I no exactly wat ur going thru cuz im in tha same situation. really good job