People change....

by XBroKenXyetXHeReX   Oct 9, 2006

Growing up
A part of life
Changing just to be
Doing the things
You once said
You'd never do
But things do change
And people too

Growing up
Is getting older
And just more wiser

But some grow up
Maybe way to fast
Just to act all cool and sweet

You change who you use to be
And act like someone else
Push the people
You once loved
And forgetting
The promises you had made

Forgetting who you once was
The person you once knew
The life you once had
Now changed before many eyes

The people who stayed the same
Have more than
The people who changed
Because the people who stays the same
Know who they are
And what they want from life
But the people who do change
Might have money and fame
But they don't got what they use to want
They don't know them old selves
And their old memories
Of what they really wanted to be

But they changed all that
Just to be someone they are not
But I guess people change
But some people do not


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