Letting Go

by 6brokenhearts   Oct 10, 2006

Its time to go for a while
Its time to let go
Its hard thats not lie
still we have to say good bye
Letting go telling u it wont be long
But it well it well be long it well be sad hard and like a hill that u can not climb
Letting go is going to be hard it going to be sad
Letting go and letting change come in
Its time to go for awhile it awhile nothing long
Its time to let go for the time being
Its hard thats not lie
Still we have to say goodbye
You said u would wait for me until the end of time
letting go of u letting go of us
nothing easy but nothing hard
Just letting go because we have to


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  • 18 years ago

    by Patricia

    It was okay sweetie but you need to look over it and rewrite it because you have some errors it is not making much of any since to me.