The Porcelain Doll

by Tammie   Oct 10, 2006

Looking down on the lifeless figure
Sitting alone in the dark
It thinks quietly to itself
But makes no remark

Watching day by day
As this life unfolds
Each day is unpredictable
As for what the future holds

Perfect eyes watch closely
They see nothing but it all
Scrutinizing every move
Waiting for her to fall

One minute she's laughing
The next she's in tears
It's a witness to her dreams and wishes
Also to her regrets and fears

It shouldn't have emotion
Such a thing could cause it to crack
Apathetic is its nature
And a heart is what it lacks

This all changed in one moment
A sudden move it made
The inanimate face turned smug
Innocence about to fade

Hanging by a rope
In her dark bedroom
The girl couldn't take it
All the hate and gloom

The porcelain doll
Knew she would break
Watching and waiting
For the toll to take

Now looking up at the figure
Hanging alone in the dark
Looking, watching, waiting
For her soul to disembark

Now it sits in a cardboard box
Waiting for someone to pick it
A little girl comes over and picks it up
It smiles at it's next victim.


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  • 18 years ago

    by David

    Geee! this poem was well written. if thats correct english. lol. it was so beautifully put together. the whole poem was perfect! bravo!

    5/5 David

  • 18 years ago

    by Jax x lyn

    That was a very emotional poem! Believe me when I say I have tears in my eyes, and it's quite nearly impossible for that to happen to me! You see me writing the saddest poems, and the most depressing, but I'm such a happy person, I rarely cry! Actually, I didn't even cry at a funeral I recently attended... Basically, it takes real talent for anyone to touch me like that.

    The porcelain doll
    Knew she would break
    Watching and waiting
    For the toll to take

    That's my favourite part of this poem. I loved it. It makes me think of so many situations I have had to face.... When I was 9 my friend commited suicide. Anyhow, I don't think you should change the title. It was that, after all, that drew me to read this work of magic!

    Congrats! 5/5!
    [*:.heart.broken.:~] xoxo

  • 18 years ago

    by donna

    3rd time lucky.. bet ya wish I hadn't added you to my faves now pmsl.. blame Billie for messaging me and lack of sleep lol

    Now it sits in a cardboard box,
    waiting for someone to pick it up.
    A little girl reaches out,
    it smiles at it's next victim.

    I know it doesn't rhyme as well.. and it took all that effort to put my suggestion across, but at the worst I must have made ya smile with my stoopidness lol xx

  • 18 years ago

    by donna

    *doh clicked on the comment box instead of the MSN window flashing below me lol.. will start again.. well not right from the beginning

    Now it sits in a cardboard box,
    waiting for someone to pick it up.
    A little girl reaches

  • 18 years ago

    by donna

    I really liked this poem, the imagery was excellent, and the poem itself sad.. I think the title was perfect.. If I was to change anything though [hope you don't mind me saying] but the middle 2 lines of the last stanza kinds of sounds a little off to me because of the 'pick it' [2nd]and 'pick it up'[3rd]..
    My suggestion...
    Now it sits in a cardboard box
    waiting for someone to pick it up