
by -The-Undying-   Oct 10, 2006


I loose myself in the moment. I stare into your eyes. You stare back as we know in our hearts that what we feel is not lies.
A sudden shrug, followed by a smirk that soon turns to a laugh. Are you my familiar? Are you my better half?

For once in my life nothing else seems to be real.
But if nothing was real and this was but a dream, no one wake me up because your are who I wish to feel.
Our conversation seems to be endless, possibilities are countless as a kiss seals the deal.
I'm happy, excited, yet exasperated. I'm missing you as I try and make it without you threw another meal.

The next day I find myself alone, and not quite sure what to think.
Because when I'm alone I think about you, I think about you just about as many times a day as i blink.
But if by doing this I loose a friend I will be sad. My emotions start to flow as my heart begins to sink.
Pushing against the paper, I'm pushing as tears begin to mix with ink.

But I know what I did was right, because me and you feel right.
I could talk to you about anything, i could talk to you all night.
Don't you feel the same, don't you feel that this is the right thing to write?
Because I do, I feel I would do anything for you. Even get over my fear to recite.
I trust you, and want to make you happy instead of being bitter and saying things out of spite.
So lay with me, lay with me tonight.


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  • 18 years ago

    by dora

    Hey darl a very touching piece i like hos its structured and the great use of words. very well written. keep it up. xx

  • 18 years ago

    by Sarah Ann

    Great poem! Very well written.

    I have a proposal to make, I've read your story 'Vampiric Ecstacy' and it is extremely well written! I love it. I wanted to e-mail you about a website in which we roleplay, as vampires or anything we wish...but we use storylines, such as the one you wrote. I think you would be beautiful for the site. Hm, let me know. =)