Self-pity Me

by NiXiT   Oct 10, 2006

Second after second,
time ticks ever so slow
what should I do now?
where should I go?
stay at home,
like every other night
how bad could it be,
silence is golden, right?

Just like all my other poems,
here I sit, alone
waiting for the anything
a message, the door, the phone
but it wont ever come
and I know this deep inside
just wish I had one friend
in whom I could confide

Tell them what was wrong
say that I'm so scared
and maybe they would reply
maybe someone would care
but friends I do not have
engulfed by self-pity
it's a known fact,
I'm all alone in this capitol city

Thats right, I said it,
self-pity me
what else can I say?
how can they not see?
that burning in my eyes
hidden behind these curls
why do they all sit back
to watch this pain unfurl

What do I have to do,
to make friends who are really there?
to find even just one person,
who doesn't just pretend to care?
maybe if I fake a smile,
and pretend I'm "just that cool"
or maybe if I go "bad ass"
and try and break the rules

Then would someone see,
what is deep inside my heart?
how the beat grows ever slower
and I'm being completely torn apart
I'm trapped in this place,
and God is so unfair
all I ever ask for is one person,
but he doesn't seem to care

I pray to hold her in my arms,
without fail, every single night
but he has yet to answer,
"but maybe soon, he might"
that's what I tell myself,
to get through each day
what else is there to do?
I already do nothing but pray!

God, you hold all the cards
why have you forsaken me?
I beg you every night,
for you, how hard could it be?
all I want is this girl,
for i love her with all my heart
8 o' clock...
a bit early for depression to start

I'm sick of always being alone,
I only need one person to get by
just that single girl,
the girl for whom I'd die
so this is where I draw the line,
time to sleep so I may face this city
this is where my story ends,
this story of self-pity

Copyright © October 2006 Nikk Settell


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  • 11 years ago

    by LittleMsPink

    This is long but really worth reading, i didnt got bored of reading this 'cause this was really well written, i can feel so much pain while reading this. I've also felt like this, like.. im so desperate to find even just one person whom i can call a true friend and who i can love, i also prayed to god like that, but the pain just kept on growing more and i kept praying that one day i can find even just one person, luckily i found a few which i can call true friends :)

    anyways, i love this piece, good job

  • 18 years ago

    by Marianne

    Hun,i have been there and done that. maybe not exactly the same as you but yea. i mean i 'faked a smile' and ya kno that was the worst thing i could do. i was being changed by others i let them change me cuz i wanted to be in 'in' crowd so i let people shape me then i hit rock bottom and i didnt even kno who i was, i was being pushed around i was tired of being someone i wasnt, i wanted to bad to be me but didnt kno how to be me cuz i never was, so dont change who you are. but then one day this girl saw me and she started talking to me and she said to me"why i dont kno who you are." i said "you should kno who i am we have known eachother for 2 years" she said "i kno you but i dont kno who you are, why cant you just be you? i have watched you change into someone your not, and i want to help you" need less to say i am my own person now she just let me kno that she likes me the real me, and now we are best friends! just be yourself and you will get the true friends that you want in life. not the ones who will leave you if you mess up once! best friends! true friends! dosnt that sound good?
    well i hope i have put some advice into your head, BE STRONG!!!
