Dearest Mummy - A little girls story -

by Jelz;; Oh,KillMeFast   Oct 11, 2006

Dearest Mummy :

Do you remember all our fun times?
And how we used to play,
Do you remember my tea party?
Mummy, do you remember that day?

Please don/'t tell me you forgot!
It would break my little red heart,
Mummy, why did you change?
You weren\'t like that from the start.

You hit me last night, Mummy.
You said it was my entire fault,
You wished I was gone.
Your perfect life is now a halt.

I don/'t remember,
And neither do you,
The last time you said,
My dearest daughter, I love you.

You must have wished really hard,
Because your wish came true.
Im gone. Mummy there is no more me,
Now it/'s just you.

- PLEASE comment, and tell me what you think ..!! and if you have a any pointers that would be awesome ..!! I\'LL RETURN THE FAVOR ..!! -

© Copyright 2006 By: Jelz;; Oh,KillMeFast


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  • 15 years ago

    by My Name Is Mouse

    This is painful. :( Excellent. xx keep it up

  • 18 years ago

    by Moon Princess

    Aww this is sad, how old is the girl that's speaking?

  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    I like this.
    It was very sad, but beautifully written.
    I think you did a wonderful job.

  • 18 years ago

    by CE

    Wow Another WOW and 3 more after are very talented....I wish I could write like you ;-(...i'm jealous

  • 18 years ago

    by Moon Princess

    +.+ I hope ur relationship with ur mother get's better :'( +.+

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