Comments : Its complicated (an acrostic)

  • 18 years ago

    by *Charisma*

    Very intersting...good job. Jpoet*

  • 18 years ago

    by Letty

    I like the concept of this poem. I just think it needs more emotion and more description. Don't get me wrong it is a beautiful poem it just needs more filling. I make the same mistakes myself sometimes so don't take it personal. I hope that you would want me to be honest with you because I surely want you to be honest with me. I believe that you are a wonderful poet and it you keep writing you will be one of my fvorites in no time.


  • Awesome... loved the style, very interesting, keep up the work

  • 18 years ago

    by ForeverGoneInYourEyes


  • 18 years ago

    by dollwithafrown

    This is a very clever Acrostic. I really enjoyed it. Nothing seemed forced, and the wording was good.

    I enjoyed reading.