The days of my past

by Regret   Oct 12, 2006

I cant look back without tears
or the thought of throwing up
at those times where I was happy
Id turn to tears once more
knowing so much
knowing my mother wasnt anything
when I chew into my thumb
I can taste blood
but my thoughts distract me
I think about my real father
asking the same old question
who is he?
I just needed to know
why didnt he want me?
It eats away at my self esteem
so horrible,not even real
could this be a dream
If now or never
I dont see or meet him
or hear the cold hearted sound of his voice
then again its my choice
keep thinking or keep crying


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Fruitloop XxProblem ChildxX


  • 18 years ago

    by stargirl49

    Awww...this is soo powerful!! it made me cry......i don't know quite how you feel, but i can well imagine it.
    keep up the awesome work, tony!!


  • 18 years ago

    by UnToLd TrUtH

    Wow this was great! I'm sorry about your father though if this is true..5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Chase

    Wow! Much views on life and problems that people can relate too, fine discriptions!! LOVE IT! 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Batman

    Does she think your a girl? Newayz... we can run away. Where would you like to go? Lmao. and what did you mean by that.