A Phase for Teenage Hearts

by Darien   Oct 13, 2006

A Phase for Teenage Hearts

When you wake up tomorrow morning
Is there anything missing besides your dignity?
He left you the moment you fell asleep
And you sit up wondering what went wrong

Do you ever wonder why I never stayed?
I gave you more than any of those mistakes
I've grown up and grown out of old trends
You were just a phase for teenage hearts

Broken and confused you looked for answers
But the problems were lying next to you
I couldn't stay knowing you didn't care
So I left you buried in the sands of time

Since you've left I see things more clearly
My eyes no longer represent broken glass
I said those lines like they were my last
Spewed all over your ears with hopes for help

You suffer from inflicting yourself with depression
The only person that can save you is yourself
I hope you wake up tomorrow morning
With a little more than an empty space


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Brittany C

    I loved this poem. Please dont ever change it. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by goddess-glamourpuss

    Hmm this had a much darker overtone to your usual style although I still enjoyed it.
    Your choice of words is cutting and evocative so that you really feel for the subjects

  • Loved this one... well written. keep it up

  • 18 years ago

    by Italian Stallion

    Awesome Job, the flow was good, except in this line...

    "I said those lines like they were my last words"

    you should take the word "words" out of it...it doesn't really flow with it, plus you already state it is words in a way when you said, "I said those lines"

    Ciao, Joe

  • 18 years ago

    by Stephanie

    Beautiful, yet very sad. Great imagery and flow. I really liked the last stanza the most, it was a wonderful way to end the poem at whole. Great job with this one! Thx for the comment too, it meant a lot to me. 5/5 Keep it up!
