Comments : Your Last Moment, My Last Breath

  • 18 years ago

    by Just That Girl

    I really like the repetion of the words, it creates the sound in my ears, of splashing tears, and a tcking fading heart. i really enjoyed reading your poem. i really have to agree with you about the title, i like it too but it just doesnt fit the poem!
    keep up the great work,,
    take care...
    haya 3gab =]

  • 18 years ago

    by Sorefromreality

    Hmm..idk about ur title dilemma but i like the poem. i dont throughly understand it all but i do see the raw emotion in it. ur a very good writer so dont let anyone take away from ur talent. i love the repetition and the sounds i can almost hear. nice job,
    love ya lots,

  • 18 years ago

    by most perfect lie

    The repetion is great the constant noise over and over. It is beautiful, excellent and sad. I love it, never have I read anything so well meaningful.

  • 18 years ago

    by Rocky

    Personaly i didnt like the repitition to much(but thats just me) the rest of the poem was good though. so heartfelt. you are quiet talented

  • 18 years ago

    by Deana

    I thought the repition worked for this poem because of the content ,It does make you feel as if your hearing it. well done!

  • 18 years ago

    by Kalgalath

    I dont really think that the title matches all that well but it was a good poem. and im not understanding why you reapeated choice words so much. i think that it makes it confusing. now about that comment you left me. i take no offense to it. i know that it could be better but it was for a contest that i wasnt able to enter it it. the bedlight for blue eyes is a music artist and i put it there next to one of thier song titles. it was a favorite song title contest so yeah. but now that i got that little comment from you i am ging to make it better. i didnt know how to tell you this without leaving you a coment. sorry.

  • 18 years ago

    by Midnight Sun

    This poem was absolutely beautiful. I mean it was so deep and just amazing. You did awesome. ( I just hope I don't run out of things to say on 7 of your poems,lol ).
    But really this poem had a unique set up but it really flowed nicely. Great poem and congrats on winning the contest. That was beautiful too!
    ~Midnight Sun

  • 18 years ago

    by ~me~

    Very good 5/5 i loved it
    wow we have the same name ME woooooop how cool loving it !!!
    me x x x x

  • 17 years ago

    by Michelle18

    This is good...and i like the repeatition in this... it really made the poem stand out... but no the title doesnt really go with the poem although its a great title.

    nice job.

  • 16 years ago

    by Polaroid

    Ya, the title might not of fit too well, but still, thats a good thing, then the title doesn't give TOO much away..

    my favorite element of this piece of writing was the repeated words:

    "These damned lashes, not holding back what they should,
    as the splash, splash, splashing of my own tear drops
    and the tick,tick ticking of your fading heartbeat
    ...plays,plays plays again in my ears."

    Great job.