Angel of Gratitude

by Elynnka   Oct 13, 2006

A messenger sent from otherworldly lands
Keeps a crimson letter tight in her hands
Seeking for a person that should receive
This note meant for those that believe…

She runs day and night through clouds and mist
Hoping that such a person really does exist –
Her skin so white and graceful in its perfection
She handles not well banishment and rejection

So be careful when she knocks on your door
Send her not away; cast her not out of your core,
Offer her some water and maybe something to eat,
Be her friend and never shall you suffer from defeat.

Look her straight in the face and you will recognize
That the sparkle of warmness and comfort in her eyes
Was the sparkle that lit your way through the dark
That surrounded you when you felt you have a broken heart.

Come closer and you will feel that unforgettable scent
That filled your life when you had nothing to repent -
Now try to remember who she said she was that day
When she held you in her arms and made pain go away.

Release your mind from stress and everything you hate
Let your thoughts flow freely - then for one second wait
And if you remember, as if you woke up from a dream,
All the times she was there to save you when you scream

She will smile blissful and give you that sacred letter
Meant for those whose soul has not yet begun to wither
For those who remember to thank when help they get
The ones who cherish life and angels don’t forget.

I hope that you’ll remember this angel’s little story
And maybe when you hurt someone you’ll begin to worry
And maybe when you get help you shall always do
Remember to simply say that precious “Thank you!”


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  • 18 years ago

    by steffff

    Wow, excellent poem. i loved the idea, and it was so well writen. i liked how it flowed together so well.
