Little tiny Dancer

by sammy jo   Oct 13, 2006

Spin around and around, little tiny dance,

spin and let me see you smile. Let me see you happy again like you always where before.

Spin around and around little tiny dancer and forget about everything else.

Spin around and around little tiny dancer you are all mine.

Spin around little tiny dancer and forget about everything that you are thinking about.

Spin around and a around little tiny dancer and drop that razor thats hurting you.

Spin around and around little tiny dancer I am here for you.

Spin around little tiny dancer and drop.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Jessica

    I really like how this one's written. It's good. Keep up the good work. :].

  • 18 years ago

    by Matt

    Really liked this poem....bin along time since i was on this syt, i know how it feels. Hope everything works out did for me wen i neva thought i had a chance. :)