Girl Next Door

by X2892   Oct 14, 2006

Driving me crazy;
driving me like a manic,
a manic who's crazy about you.
Just came into my life,
a life that didn't deserved to live.
But you changed my thoughts
little by little. Making me feel
loved and I return the favor
by showing you my love for you.

You are the girl next door,
the girl who lives next to my heart.
The Girl Next Door!

Must be an angel
that was sent to me.
Have to be an angel
cause there is no other girl
like you on this earth.

Why did you have to be
the girl next door?
If you weren't the girl
next door i wouldn't
have fallen in love.

Still remembering that day
when me and you were together.
It feels; just like it was
yesterday; me and you were
walking and we were holding
hands then looking into each
others eyes saying how much
we loved each other and then
we started to kiss.

Looking so beautiful;
everything about you is beautiful.
Beautiful smile, Beautiful brown eyes,
Beautiful long dark brown hair.

Don't know what to say
now; all I think is that
you are the love of my
life. But now you have
moved out and left
me here alone. But
the love wont move out!!

MADE FOR u PinKY u know who u r

Copyright © Paul Salazar


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Kaila

    This si so cute but somewhat sad! All I can is work on your wording a bit more and it will be terrific!

  • 17 years ago

    by Brook

    This is really cute. lol it made me smile =] its sweet. definite 5/5.

  • 18 years ago

    by me

    Naaa paulie let me find out who dis girl next door is i hope it aint da old women who use to live next to us lma0 o0o hell no0 dont tell me it aint her nd its maribel....i c u tryna get wit my loser hmmm...nice poem 5/5 too 1z.

  • 18 years ago

    by BrokenREALiTy

    I like the whole 'Girl Next Door' thing . I`ve always wanted to write a 'Boy Next Door'(: ANYWAY this is a nicely written poem(: It`s sweet and wonderfully done, although the fact that you used 'girl next door' so many times in the poem kinda ... made the phrase overused ? But still a nicely done poem.

  • 18 years ago

    by Kristina

    Wonderful work you did on this poem here. it was really sweet. 5/5
