Comments : I miss you

  • 18 years ago

    by Goran Rahim

    This is a very nice poem, written so nicely, i really like it, you have showed some great feelings. 5/5 from me.

  • 18 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    Beautiful imagery in this poem accents the beauty of friendship overshadowed by the separation

  • 18 years ago

    by Krissey

    Its so hard to lose a friend and its one of the worst feelings you could possibly feel..I've been there...whats even harder is having to see the person every day but being unsure if they see you or not....wonderfully written write of the good memories and times you and this person had!

  • 18 years ago

    by Misstress

    Ive enjoyed reading this lovely poem..
    just keep on writing on what you feel and like

  • 18 years ago

    by Lauren Waszkiewicz

    Beautifully written, it is so sad. and i got chills while i was reading it.

    a few lines were too long- ex
    where the rain falls down on your face and you can actually breathe

    and should have a break or two. but overall this was very well written. the imagery was nice, adn the lfow was very good. the theme was so sad and relatable. even though some fo te mroe personal things may nopt have been . the overall picture ithink could relate to any.

    keep it up!

    x3 Lauren

  • 18 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    This is very heartfelt. Wonderful imagery you used throughout the piece. I am sure many people can relate to this. Sometimes as you grow older, you grow apart. I am sorry you lost your best friend and I hope you make new ones who can bring some happy feelings to your heart. Nice job.