by Rocky   Oct 15, 2006

So here within the warm bath
I lie
so depressed and hollow
numb even withing my own mind
no more care for tomorrow
I just want and end to this sorrow
but do i really want to die?

as if awakening to a nightmare
i stare at my shaking hand
there across my palm
so sharp
so beautiful
this blade stands
its words withing my mind
as seducing as the rains descend
over desert sands
as it whispers its chant
" don't you just think you've had enough?
whats all this pain here for?
aren't you tired of all this fear?
this dark depression
that rips you to the core
to leave you crushed
bleeding and sore?
so hear then my promise
my oath to you
to end it takes just once
what have you left to lose?
so take your courage
within your own hands
i bid you
between this hell
and eternal peace choose
two cuts nearly painless
is all it takes to set your grieving soul loose
so be strong my friend
be brave
trust in me
and i will take you away
far beyond all sorrow and pain
to never again know
this blackened world


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  • 17 years ago

    by Robert

    You had alot of good images through out this piece I liked it alot the feeling although forboding was clear and haunting all and all it was a good read Plot121

  • 17 years ago

    by Startle Me

    I found this quite dull.
    There was nothing interesting in it.
    It's like a sob story.

    Definition in Star's mind.
    Sob Story: A friend talking about how rocks always gets step on. While, me/you, on the other hand, listen while hating the whole thing.

    I don't hate your poem.
    I just don't like it.

    I'm probably going to give this a 3.
    But I won't vote :]
    Unless you want me to of course.

  • 18 years ago

    by silvershoes

    Ah, the relationship between an individual commiting suicide and his "weapon" of choice. How interesting. Yes, suicide does seem a pleading solution at times...but the potential prospects of life seem worthwhile. We only have one chance to live.

    Excellent writing.

  • 18 years ago

    by Simple Sensation

    I have ot say i really like this style of poetry you have going hear. It's like a free verse poem but its not.. Anywyas i htink this poem has alot of emotion put into it, i liked the vocabulary youve used. You got my attention and did hold it;

    "so depressed
    and hollow

    i can kindof relate to that verse maybe thats why i was more into reading it. The description youve used in some places is amazing and it creates a very powewrful image;

    "that rips you
    to the core"

    i really liked that bit of it. And the conclusion "this blackened world" it concluded this poem excellently. But maybe its just me but i thought it belonged morei n the dark section of the site rather then the sad. But still a great read, keep them up! Thank you for your comments. xx

  • 18 years ago

    by Kelsea

    Nice one. Most poetry about such a subject tends to come out as fake...
    I like this one