Comments : Forever (rewritten)

  • 18 years ago

    by Chris Rodriguez

    Forever is a long time. Great poem.

  • 18 years ago

    by Autuumnbree

    Good poem, and I like it alot but I think you should have use some different words...GP

  • 18 years ago

    by Ed or Ian Henderson

    Absolutely terrible English. But, like "He Helped Her Find Love" I think you've got some great skill and talent waiting to burst out here.

    If I may be so bold: when you write a poem, and you think it's finished, save it to a document on your computer and then leave it a couple of days. Don't look at it at all. And then come back to it after a couple of days. perhaps after you've written something else. I do this, and I almost always feel that there's something not right, or something that can be added.

    There's always a little something that a couple of days of absence can help grow. You're giving us acorns when I reckon you can give us some seriously mighty oaks.

  • 18 years ago

    by Goran Rahim

    Hold my hand,
    Don't be sad,
    Ever thing will be alright,
    Look at me,
    In the eye,
    And tell me you'll be alright,

    from the first stanza this poem captured my attention, very nicely written, great job once again, 5/5 from me.

  • 18 years ago

    by dollwithafrown

    The rhyming and flowing of this poem caught my attention; it was really good.

    "Hold my hand,
    Don't be sad,
    Ever thing will be alright,
    Look at me,
    In the eye,
    And tell me you'll be alright,"

    In the third line it should be, "Everything will be alright,"

    "And you will be their to hold me tight in your loving embarrass,"

    It should be 'there' not 'their', and by 'embarrass' I think you meant 'embrace'. =)

  • 18 years ago

    by Lauren Waszkiewicz

    Aww. i do not know why this is a 3.9 i really loved it. i think it is sooo cute. sad.

    the only few things i can say is.-

    rhyme scheme- why the sudden addition of the rhyme scheme?
    where it rhymes it sounds so different. but i love the beginning.. hum. i think the begining is very cool. lol. it just like.. captivated me. lol

    And tell me you'll be alright
    needs to be longer.
    And tell me everything's alright or
    And tell me that you'l be alright
    Every night,
    maybe 'through every night'?
    To help keep our dreams in sight,
    needs a break-
    To help us keep,
    our dreams in sight,

    and lastly
    But we can get through this somehow
    also needs a break
    But we can get,(i also think it should be But we will get)
    through this somehow

    But other than that great job!

    x3 Lauren

  • 17 years ago

    by Kaila

    Very nice some repition of words stuck out more then I think you intended them to but I think it was fine. You did an excellent job nice work!

  • 17 years ago

    by Choose xX Alex Xx Life

    Nice simple write,some of the rhyming was i little of flow maybe forced but very sweet. welldone xxx alex xxx

  • 17 years ago

    by Victoria Rainey

    Very sweet and touching... but it just feels that the rhymes are forced.. though.. but it shows that you're trying to be creative and showing all your effort into this.. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by BrokenREALiTy

    For the nighs are long,
    `For the nights are long

    To help keep our dreams in sight,
    `I love that line ! Can totally relate :)

    Okay, so I don`t like how you repeated some words again right after they were used in a previous stanza, or a couple lines back . It just scerwd up my flow & everything, BUT, the poem was sweet , and honestly not that bad .

  • 17 years ago

    by Vanessa

    This was good deep emtion really heartfelt, the flow was alright, and the word choice was good, I can't think of any thing to add that hasn't already been said, except keep up the good work 4/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Cara

    I really like this one. nice use of rhyme.
    it was very sweet.
    you are a great writer, and this poem really shows that.
    well done.