Black Rose

by Nyx   Oct 17, 2006

Given the alternative to know another side of yourself, you lock it away with only one hurt.
That is all you needed....One Hurt
Your petals slowly bruise and have the resemblance of oblivion, like the dying hope within.
Still beautifully delicate, a rose is a rose that will always have thorns.
Thorns that:
Surround you,
protect you,
and hold you strong.
The one black rose that will bathe in the sun's presence
with a loving smile.
One who is dripping its darkness on the outside but truly gleams with its light from its inner existence.
Soft and mysterious to the eye and yet intriguing and unique to those one loves.
The Black Rose will forever be my heart.

-this is for the one i care for thanks to flick and the indian


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  • 17 years ago

    by mier

    Wow... really creative and captivating... you write with such imagination and verity... Amazing! 5/5!

  • 17 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    I luv black roses, too bad I couldn't find any here, lolz...hmm, nice usage of words, unique in it's very own way...gud one...=)

  • 17 years ago

    by Fan Angeleo

    Good work I really like how you used thorns.

  • 17 years ago

    by Rahl The Layman Lord

    You confuse me at times clown...
    but good work...again ugh


  • 18 years ago

    by -Usmi-

    Wow... uve expressed urself rele well in this one ... rele well written ... keep it up .. ur good ..