Daddy y r u leaving i dont get it

by Madddiii   Oct 18, 2006

I stood by the door
As I watched my dad say good-bye
I didn't know what would happen next
And I didn't speak in fear that I would cry
My heart began to ache
Teardrops filled my eyes
"Daddies aren't supposed to leave"
I managed with a sigh
He taught me to ride a bike
He picked me up when I fell down
So many more things he did with me
His memory lingers all around
My dad picked me up the next day
And explained to me what went wrong
I still felt pain deep in my heart
And he told me to be strong
Mom's and Dad's separate
And no longer stay together
But that does not change the child
Because a daddies love is forever


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  • 18 years ago

    by Sara

    Aww that was soo cute...and Im sorry about your parents...but remember as the poem says your dad always loves you.....5/5....thanks for the comments!

  • 18 years ago

    by mary

    Wow what a great poem. it really hits home with me. my parents seperated and divorced and i missed my dad , but i had to remeber my daddy loves me.
    keep up the good work

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