
by sandra   Oct 18, 2006

Maybe if I were prettier,
Then maybe he would stare

Or maybe if I were popular
Then maybe he would care

Maybe if I were happier
Then maybe I'd make him smile

Maybe if I were smarter
Then we'd talk for a little awhile

Maybe if I were more outgoing
Then maybe you might see

That maybe you could have a thing
Maybe, a little thing for me?

And maybe we could fall in love
And you'd never want to go

But maybe isn't good enough
I really have to know

That there might maybe be a little spark
Baby we could start a fire

Cause maybe you are all I need
Your my one desire

And maybe I'd give up everything
For you to feel it too

Cause I might just maybe kinda sorta
Love everything about you


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  • 18 years ago

    by linderrrxo

    That was soooooooo cute i loved everything about it you should see if you can publish this great great job love always linda xoxoxo take care