Defintion: Best Friend

by aDORKable x3   Oct 19, 2006

Defintion of a true best friend
One who will never promise "'til the end"
Because you both know you'd never leave
In your friendship, you both believe

You can tell him anything, and he could tell you too
That no matter what goes wrong, you know you're true
You stick together through thick and thin
And you never look back at the "what-has-been's"

You could tell him the world was ending and he'd stay by your side
You can tell him secrets and what you've kept inside
You could feels so stupid, but he would never judge
You could be mad at him, but he won't hold a grudge.

You hold a love for them deep in your heart
But it wasn't always there from the start
It had to be tended and given time to grow
But now it's time for the whole world to know

My best friend, he's like no other boy
He could tell me anything, in saddness or joy
We trust each other and hold each other up high
We help each other finally reach the sky

No matter what life holds, he'll be there for me
And he knows that there's no place I'd rather be
Whether talking about life or the shooting star
I know that my friend is never too far

He's the one I'd call to tell all my news
Whether I was happy, of if I was going to lose
With him, I never have to worry about trust
He would still love me, even if I made a big fuss

So with my little thread of hope and my solid dream
I base my plans around them, and put them into a scheme
I could never have asked for someone better
With him aorund, my cheeks are no longer wetter

**Dedicated: To Andrew S, You are one of my best friends!! I'll hang onto that thread of hope=) love you forever!! < 3


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Adriana

    Aww thats really cute and the rhyming is also really good!! Bestfriends are ALWAYS great to have!!

  • 18 years ago

    by xxmichaelxx

    Damn, i guess you really love your friend! awesome like always!

  • 18 years ago

    by shell

    Tht is really good i can relate to tht 100%, wen u finish it plz comment me or somehting i would love to here it, keep up the gr8 work