Not good enough, Never will be

by RetroRavey   Oct 19, 2006

I will never be good enough.
For some sad moment
I thought I might have been.
But I was lying to myself,
As I always do.
I feel whole for a second
But then realize...
then a broken soul,
And shattered heart.
And that's all I ever will be.
They can't fix me,
Though who am i to say they haven't tried.
But maybe I don't want to be fixed,
Maybe I like playing the same broken
record in my mind.
"You're not good enough
You never will be.
You're not good enough,
You never will be,
You're not good enough."
Breaking myself down more
Then anyone else ever could.
But I'm NOT good enough...
I don't deserve all they give me.
All the love, compassion, and loyalty
they hold for me,
All seems to spring from nothing,
Because what could I ever give them,
in return.

I'm not good enough,
I never will be,
I'm not good enough.

* I know that this is really self-downing, but it was what I was thinking about at the time....*


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