by keanna Oct 19, 2006
category :
Dark, fantasy /
Emotions, emotions are running through my body. I have all kinds of them happy, sad, and a little bit of mad. But the emotions love i don't know. The only thing that's running through my mind is if he loves. And if he really care. I cant bare to see this person I'm suppose to be in love with. But to tell you the truth i don't even know if it is love. Emotions are all on my mind. When i sleep, when i eat, and its every time i think. But there's something inside of me that he doesn't seem to see. And that's the empty part of me. Because for some reason i don't feel the same way he does, its just not there. So what am i suppose to do? Play like its there or tell him how i really feel. These emotions are starting to fade farther and farther away from me. Is it that I'm just afraid to tell him or is it that there just not there. Its hard to compare my emotions with his. But I'm really trying to show you how i feel. Its not an easy thing, but its something you need to know and I'm for real. |