I'm on the freeway
Doing ninety an hour
Orange headlights pass me by
As do skyscrapers and giant towers
Aimlessly I cruise around
My Cadillac hums with minimal sound
My eyes are on the fast-tracked lane
But my heart thinks of you time and again
Flashing back to hours ago
After being at "The Penn and Teller Show"
You said you had work to do
If only that was ever true
I took the kids home then
Not before stopping at the mall
There was milk and diapers to buy
Pris wanted to see some stuffed china-doll
We were at the checkout counter
When I met Julie Alsop
She was an ex-classmate of mine
And we caught up quite alot
Julie invited me for ice-coffee
So at Starbucks we sat and chilled
We had a good time laughing heartily
Julie ever ask us over for steaks on grill
We were just about to leave
When I saw a familiar face
I swear that upon recognition
I wished I was never in that place
Actually Julie nudged and asked
"Isn't that your husband, Tim?
Why, he still looks as dashing as ever
Wait...who's that girl all over him?"
I rubbed my eyes in disbelief
Taking in gulps of air - I couldn't breathe
Shrinking back onto the cafe's sofa
I sat dumbstruck while you got into your car
Julie grabbed me by the arm
With the kids all tagging behind
Still awe stricken I was blindly led
Those scenes kept repeating in my head
You stopped over at a nearby Metro
And she stepped out of the car
This time my eyes clearly saw and fret
Before you left you kissed that brunette
Like the Titanic my heart sank deep
Betrayed tears started to slowly creep
Into my eyes that were glassy and red
I felt so tired that I went back instead
That night I tucked Pris and Tom
And watched them sleep under a moonlit sky
Downing Stolichnaya vodka which burnt my inside
I turned to the window and gazed at the tide
Thoughts flurried like the aftermath of a tsunami's wrath
As I watched the waves caress the barren sand
My feelings felt like a child being starved
My sense of reasoning could no longer comprehend
I finally decided to call
Making sure that somehow I still could stand tall
You answered with an uneasy, "Hi..."
Your claim to being at a meeting was a big fat lie
So I grabbed my keys and took the kids
And left the house for that one way street
Here I'm seeking solace from smoking weed
While there you are causing my heart to bleed
So here I'm on this lonely road
It'll take time for me to unload
But do note that you've hurt me so
How betrayed I'm? You'll never know