
by Holly   Oct 20, 2006

I smile in the light so you don't see my fears. I cry in the dark so you don't see my tears. The pain lingers through the dark and the light. No one knows how I truly feel and how I am ready to give up this fight. So in the light I smile politely and say my good-byes never letting them know this will be the final time. No more tears will be cried as I rest this blade on my wrist. Two quick cuts and I've come to my end...Good-Bye


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  • 18 years ago

    by Lemon Square Bear23

    I liked the poem it really showed how u felt.. this is how i could tell it showed hhow u really feel/felt
    "I am ready to give up this fight," dont quit! i kniw its just a poem but if that how u really feel, thats sad. u shouldnt want to quitand def. not by cutting its not an easy way to go. well hang in there 5/5 always