If i am only a gunea-pig

by clevername   Oct 20, 2006

(You= The authors concience)

Dear Reader,

You dont know me because I dont even know myself.
I guess that means we have something in common,
I dont want to cry
and I dont want to pity myself
because I respect the things you say. I dont want to go back to the past, but only learn from it,
because I listen to what you say.

I know I havent accomplished that much.
And I know I cant measure up to a lot of people.
But I keep feeling like I have to make excuses for myself. I
keep feeling like I have to tell them my story. I keep feeling like I have to explain it and say sorry but I dont want to.
I want to say its ok.
but so much of me believes its Not.
I am strong I do not cry I am weak and I beg, I am strong I do not cry, I am weak and I weep. I am strong I do not cry. I am weak and I scream. I am strong I do not cry. I am weak and I sleep.

The doctors told us not to sleep when we get depressed. They told us that sleep would keep our feelings in.
Is that only because they wanted to hear my cries?
Is that only because they needed to hear me scream when I arrived?
I am a warrior I am a bird. I am a dove watch me sour. I am an ant I am a bug. I am nothing watch no love. I am a warrior I am a bird I am a dove watch me sour. I am an ant I am a bug I am nothing watch no love.

My mother told me it was all for the better. She told me it was so make me happy.
It wasnt an experiment!
I wasnt a guinea-pig I am something. I am everything. I can stand on Mt. Everest and the world will still here my call. I can scream in your face and you wont here me at all. I can climb up a tree and run 10 miles. I can lay on the couch and stare for awhile.

Tell me that the moon exists. Tell me that its not just a painting in the sky. I cant touch it. I cant feel it. Why believe what the books say?

Tell me that aliens exist. But there just like us, smart with a twist

Tell me Im an angel that lives up in the clouds.

Then tell me Im a devil that can scream almighty and loud

And maybe Im a hypocrite, contradicting what I say.

Or Maybe Im so truthful; you bow Out of my way.

If you were a bird and I were a kite.
We wouldnt fit together the way you thought might.
Youd rush me around like the dirt on the ground
And that would be the ending call
There my strings would surely fall.


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