Are you with me

by Emily McCarter   Oct 20, 2006

Walking down the hall
HEART away from HEART
HAND away from HAND&
Why does it have too be this way
Why are you not making HAPPY
Why are we making MEAN
What are you feeling
My heart never knows
Your heart can figure me out!
You know everything
My mine races with every feeling
How come you have to make me feel this way
Walking down the hall
HEART away from HEART
HAND away from HAND
Why does it have too be this way


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  • 18 years ago

    by tinna

    Beautifull how u put urself as the 3rd person, tallent shines out of ur poems..

  • 18 years ago

    by MidnightKisses

    OMG!! i sooo can relate to this poem.. i wanna cry now. my bf broke up with me saturday night and i've been crying. so in the halls, he avoids me. i miss him really bad, i'm tryin to get him back.. i love this poem.